Today's Date
Have you read our What to Expect paragraph on the Adopt page? Have you looked at the “Choose My Species”, “Available Birds”, and “Parrot Care Information” guides? If not, please read them before submitting this application. It will help you with the questions listed here and during your visit to the rescue.
Yes I have.
No, I will go read them.
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Date of Birth
Do you live in a house, apartment, mobile home, or something else?
Do you own or rent? Are you the primary homeowner?
If you rent, have you gotten permission from your landlord and agreed upon a pet deposit? If not yet, will you be getting permission prior to adoption?
List the names of everyone who lives in the home, their date of birth (ages only for children is okay), and relationship to you. Everyone over the age of 18 needs full name and date of birth.
By submitting this application, you understand that we will be performing a background check on everyone over the age of 18. This is standard practice.
Have you or anyone over the age of 18 in the home ever been charged with or convicted of violent crimes including Domestic Abuse, Assault, DUI, Animal Cruelty or Neglect in Iowa or any other state? If so, please explain below.
We take these charges very seriously, while also understanding that there are extenuating circumstances in some DV cases. Please email us with questions regarding charges you've received, as they may or may not disqualify you from adoption.
Have you and everyone in your home been vaccinated for COVID-19? We are no longer requiring this but unvaccinated people MAY be asked to wear a mask in the building.
Yes, vaccinated
No, not vaccinated
List any allergies or disabilities.
Does anybody who lives with you or regularly visits smoke, chew, or vape tobacco or other substances? *If the answer is yes, we cannot place a bird with you. Nicotine, even on the skin, can severely harm a parrot's health long term.*
List your avian vet *one with experience and training with birds*. If you do not have one, we will help you find one. Please write "I need help finding a qualified veterinarian".
How often are your birds taken to the vet for bloodwork or thorough physical exams? If you do not have a bird, how often do you intend to take an adopted bird to the vet?
Every 3 years
Every 5 years
List all pets in the home. *You must ensure dogs and cats will not be in the same room as the bird... This means never, even if the bird is caged.*
If you currently own birds, list their names, ages, species, personalities, and your daily routine with cleaning/feeding/handling.
If you do not own any birds, just write N/A.
Can you ensure the dogs/cats will be separated from the birds?
I need help with solutions to keep my birds safe.
What room/s will the bird live in? Where will the bird spend most of its time, if different?
How many hours per day will the bird be left alone? Will the bird be caged during that time?
What is your experience with birds or parrots? What species, how much experience, and what have you done with them? Please be specific.
Have you ever surrendered a parrot or other animal before? If so, what was the reason or circumstance that led to that decision?
Note: if you have, it doesn't necessarily disqualify you. We want to know that you will be committed to this bird and it is not an impulse decision. This is a safeguard to ensure longevity in the home for our parrots.
Please list the circumstances that would lead you to consider returning or surrendering a parrot. Examples include behavioral like screaming, biting, flying, or external changes like moving, divorce, or other.
Why do you want a parrot? How can you see them fitting into your lifestyle?
What got you interested in parrot keeping and what research have you done on the type of bird you want or parrots in general? Will you be willing to learn as you go and accept constructive criticism about your current setup for your birds (if applicable)?
What kind of time are you willing to commit to training and working with a bird? Do you understand they have complex needs and are often much more emotionally needy than other pets?
Do you understand some species are capable of living another 50+ years after leaving the rescue? What is your contingency plan if something happened to you (age does not matter-everyone needs a plan)?
What size, type, or species of parrot are you looking for? What specifically about that species has your interest?
What attributes or personality type do you want? What behaviors are deal breakers for you?